
Zoning Board Hearing, March 9, 2022 Highlights

The Zoning Board hearing on Maret's proposal lasted 8 hours. No decision was made. The ruling was postponed until March 30 and then postponed again until April 9. Hearing highlights included: a letter from the Attorney General in strong opposition to Maret's proposal and presentations by Friends of the Field's attorney and experts on the legal, noise, traffic and environmental concerns of the proposal. FoF presented an alternative -- a single multipurpose field with natural grass and no leasing that would fit better with the neighborhood.

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Objectionable Conditions to the Maret Plan presented by Friends of the Field at BZA

The design of the multi-sport field at ECC proposed by Maret would extend activity to the property lines, with minimal to no buffers for sight, sound or privacy. There is NO FIELD in the city as tightly wedged into a residential neighborhood as this proposal. As stated in the zoning code, “The private school shall be located so that it is not likely to become objectionable to adjoining and nearby property because of noise, traffic, number of students, or otherwise objectionable conditions.” Here we illustrate some of the objectionable conditions that Maret’s plan would impose on the neighborhood.

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Our concerns about Maret's plans for the ECC field

This is an overview of our main concerns about Maret's plan to turn the ECC fields into a multi-sport complex. Issues include how the installation of artificial turf will affect the environment and stormwater runoff to safety and community quality of life.

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